Pe-2 addon

Forgotten Battles, Ace Expansion Pack, Pacific Fighters, 1946 e Cliffs of Dover. Dúvidas, dicas, novidades e debates.
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Pe-2 addon

Post by 32_Mariocar »


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Será que essa vai chegar pra nós???
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Post by 32_Mariocar »

Mentioned in article (who knows if will make the final cut):



There will be twice as more new aircraft in this add-on. Yet, I can't tell you which ones.
Plus a set of new ground vehicles and a new map or two.

_ _ __ _ _

Best regards,

SaQSoN (Vladimir Kochmarsky)
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Imagens dos cockpits

Post by 32_Mariocar »

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Post by 36_Killer-Ants »


A pergunta que não quer calar - vai ter um B-17 ou vamos ficar só com jabiracas russas?

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Post by 32_Mariocar »

Pelo que eu tenho lido, isso é impossível.

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Post by 28_Condor »

36_Killer-Ants wrote:S!

A pergunta que não quer calar - vai ter um B-17 ou vamos ficar só com jabiracas russas?

Se entre as jabiracas estivesse um Pe-8 já estava feliz :roll:

[b]Eu confio no povo brasileiro. Voto facultativo já no Brasil![/b]

Post by 1GDA_Feroz »

Acho que por causa da briga iniciada com a Northrop/Grumman e da Nort American por direitos autorais... nenhum plane EUA será mais incluido no IL2...

A "merdasoft" deve ter colocoado o dedo nisto.... afinal o IL2 é o concorrente direto do CFS series...

Foda este joguinho politico... quem acaba pagando o pato somos nós consumidores... sendo assim um Pe-2 , um Tu-2 [ que eu acho muito mais capaz que o B-25 atual ] seriam muito bem vindos seriam, principalmente para nós que tamos sempre voando alguns bombers na guerra virtual :D

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Post by 01_Urubu »

Feroz, um dos diretores executivos da Gruman é um grande acionista da M$. Isso foi noticiado logo assim que começaram os problemas de direitos autorais no jogo.

E isso é verdade, nenhum avião americano será incluído no jogo. O problema nem é com o IL-2, a foda toda é como será depois as atualizações do BoB.... Neste, só alemães e ingleses. E depois? Oleg tem planos para m jogo só do Mediterrãneo... E aí?
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Post by 30_Gundam »

Urubu, mas há algum entrave com a Boeing, Consolidate, North American? (provavelmente muitas ae ja se fundiram, eu nao sei quem é dono das marcas mais)
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Post by 01_Urubu »

Entrave? O que você chama de um monte de advogados caçando a grana da sua empresa por conta de direitos autorais de algo inventado a masi de 60 anos?

Eu chamo é de sacanagem mesmo... Só os EUA (claro) não reconhecem o termo Domínio Público, reconhecido por todo o resto do mundo.

Oleg ficou puto com a situação, e com razão. Não espere ver outro avião americano no jogo. Eu até me espantei quando ele lançou a outra ersão do P-47. é bem verdade que visuamente nada mudou, só um controle de vôo um pouco diferente.
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Post by 30_Gundam »

Entrave pra mim é obstáculo hahah...
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Post by 21_Sokol1 »

A este respeito, a cerca de um ano um congressista americano, Robert Andrews (D-NJ) apresentou emenda banindo o licensiamento e cobrança de taxas sobre réplicas de modelos militares.
Passou na "primeira instância" mas foi derrotada no Senado.

A AMA solicitou aos membros que escrevessem para os congressista para nova apreciação:

O pior nesta estória toda é que a pisada na bola foi da Ubbi já que foi ela quem usou indevidamente o nome Grumman na caixa do PF (tentativa do Oleg em conseguir maior penetração no mercado americano, já que por lá de forma geral o comprador leigo não se interessava por um jogo chamado IL2 Sturmovik). :(

Inclusive o acordo entre a Grumman e a Ubbi, pago pelo Oleg, previa manter tudo em segredo, tanto que o Oleg não deu informações claras a respeito na epóca da "tragédia".

Interessante a referência sobre a IRGurus (Heroes of the Pacific) no recent post abaixo, do modelista do P-61:



Posted Wed April 05 2006 23:34
Northrop-Grumman took legal action against Ubisoft over the unlicensed use of trademarks they own (specifically, "Grumman") on the Pacific Fighters box and packaging. This legal action was perfectly justified.

UbiSoft and Maddox games jointly settled out of court with Northrop-Grumman. However, Ubisoft provided very bad legal assistance to Oleg, regardless of what he has been led to believe and has said. It is obvious his limited english and complete unfamiliarity with the American legal system were both taken advantage of.

The settlement covered the unauthorized use of a Northrop-Grumman trademark. Perfectly reasonable.

Northrop-Grumman, however, took advantage of the situation to also advance their demands for licensing fees to depict WWII era material. This has no legal basis, despite what they may claim. This has been established in court.

Despite this, as they had Ubisoft and Maddox Games at their mercy, Northrop-Grumman also legally bound them to pay exhorbant licensing fees to use any aircraft (or other material) that Northrop-Grumman claimed intellectual ownership of. Ubisoft's legal representation to Oleg presented the situation inaccurately, convincing Oleg that he had no choice or hope but to accept their demands. Regardless of the previous legal veracity of their claims, Northrop-Grumman now DOES have the legal right to demand licensing from Oleg.

The final insult was that Ubisoft, who commited the original infringement (as they are responsible for product packaging, and thus the infringing text on the box), made Oleg pay Northrop-Grumman the settlement.

Heroes of the Pacific (the creators of which, IRGurus, I spoke to personally) and Blazing Aces both feature various 'disputed' aircraft because Ubisoft didn't screw up the box on those and because those developers happened to speak fluent English and thus could fend of Northrop-Grummans baseless claims. [n] N-G did approach IRGurus (who made Heroes), but was rebuffed and did not make further demands.[/n]

The settlement also stipulated that the matter not be discussed publicly (since it obviously would show the true colors of two out of three parties involved), which is why any and all threads that bring this matter up are deleted.

The only group who benefitted were the lawyers of a multi-billion dollar defense contractor. A multi-million dollar global game publisher sidestepped the blame and the fine. Ultimately, a dedicated Russian development studio, many of those working on a project for them at the time, those peoples' immediate families, the project's fans, and legal precedent all suffered.

I know. I built the P-61. Kami had a finished B-29 interior. An underway TBF cockpit and a completely finished Yorktown carrier were yanked. Other content that was planned, in progress, or even finished--some of it expensive--was discarded. Some artists who had devoted extraordinary time and made significant personal sacrifices to contribute to Pacific Fighters were never compensated and almost didn't even get acknowledged.

All of which Northrop-Grumman and Ubisoft have demanded be kept secret.

I, however, am not going to take this anymore. This entire post will be permanently saved to another location. I will link to it whenever the subject is broached. If I am banned, I will make sure it is publicly known here that this is why.

Oleg was taken advantage of in a horrible way, by those who stood to lose nothing and who had no support for their demands. We owe him our efforts to correct that.


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Post by 32_Mariocar »

Oleg postou hoje

I would also add to all other posts...
If we only would able, we would make some additional plane into Pe-2 add-on... At the time it was decided to go on the western market to add something there was already too late... Say some new fighters or modifications of existed for the interest of fighter's groups.

However we have added a lot more in the folowing Sturmoviks Over Manchuria (there is several flaybel aircraft, not only Il-10) and action takes over Germany, Manchuria and probably Japan.

Also in the 3rd add-on originallywas planned only Russian experiemental and small series production aircraft from 1942 to 1946. It was called VVS 46. But using the time before the release we ordered to make in additional several more as Soviet as German aircaft.
I can say that except one or maybe two planes there - there were no one present on the market in any previous sims. Be sure. You will be very impressed.

As for these who don't like to buy Pe-2 now.... They may continue to play 4.04 version online. But I'm sure with the price for the add-on it will be popular anyway in time.

Also, these new add-ons all are with the good set of missions that are interesting even just to watch in the mode of Autopilot! Be sure! They are way more interesting for the single player than to play dynamic campaigns. They are all with the spirit of war and modelled manually
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