
Notícias variadas e assuntos distantes da simulação de combate virtual.
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Post by 21_Sokol1 »

Lembrei da sofrida tradução do "In pursuit". :)

Pena que o artista seja esse xarope... :P

De vez em quando alguem ligado a militares surta e personifica o Walt. :lol:
In 2008, Jim McAuley, an ex-soldier and Adult-Instructor with Lancashire ACF who boasted on Facebook that he had served with the SAS and killed more than 100 people, was termed a "Walter Mitty" by genuine soldiers who exposed him as a fantasist, forcing his resignation from the Lancashire Army Cadet Force.[8]

In November 2009, Roger Day, a member of the UK public, was branded a “Walter Mitty” figure by war veterans for marching in a Remembrance Day parade wearing an SAS beret and an “impossible” array of medals.
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