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"70 days of B of B" - Campanha persistente online -10/7/15

Posted: 26 May 2015 20:02
by 21_Sokol1
Início 10.07.2015 - coincidindo com 10.07.1940, início da Kanalkampf - "The Channel battles".

Registro aqui - 18 vagas por lado: ... hp?t=17413
Greetings from No.401 Squadron!

This Saturday, May 30th, No.401 Squadron will be hosting a test run of a new Campaign map that we hope to have operational for a Full Public Campaign in the very near future - and we'd like you to participate!

What sort of Campaign?

The campaign will be running on a new scripted mission we have just recently developed that we are calling "Finest Hour". This mission is designed to operate persistently with results from each server restart carrying over to the next. Each time the server restarts, a new 'day' of the Battle of Britain begins. The campaign will start with the date of July 10th, 1940 and depending on the actions of players will continue all the way through to September 17th, 1940.

What results will carry over?

The RAF team will need to manage resources that include:
No. of aircraft (both serviceable combat ready aircraft and unserviceable aircraft in need of repair)
Airfields (airfields can be damaged and turned non-operational)
Fuel supply (both reserves in fuel depots and refineries that produce fuel)
Aircraft factories (some factories produce parts that will repair unserviceable Hurricanes and produce new Hurricanes while others repair and produce Spitfires)
Convoys (merchant ships will occasionally appear in the channel and delivery resources to the team if they survive the day)
Ports (damaged ports and docks will received supplies from convoys at a lower rate or nil if heavily damaged)
Morale (civilian targets are available to be targeted and will impact the morale of the population)

The Luftwaffe team has plenty of resources to pursue the battle for the duration of the 70 days that it could take place, therefore their aircraft/fuel/factories etc. are not tracked or limited (at this time).

How does a team win the campaign?

The goal of the RAF team overall is to survive as a fighting force for the duration of the campaign run (70 days). If, at the end of the final mission, the RAF is still capable of presenting a credible defense, the RAF team wins.

The goal of the Luftwaffe team overall is to conduct the campaign in such a way that they are able to destroy the RAF's ability to respond to an invasion force or to destroy the morale of the population to such a degree that a change of government is forced and capitulation takes place.

What is the test run for?

Currently, the mission is functioning well with around 10 to 12 players participating. However, we would like to open up the mission to a wider public audience and need to ensure that there are no scaling effects when larger numbers of players join and play. To that end we would like to have as many people as possible up to our player limit of 36 players come and try out the mission on Saturday May 30th. If the test goes well, we will conduct a further test with a higher number of player spots open until we find the perfect number. After that, we will officially begin the campaign.

How can I participate?

The No.401 Squadron Server will be open with no password at 9:00pm EST (GMT -5) on Saturday, May 30th and players are encouraged to join and play. Players are welcome to join No.401's members on our teamspeak server (T331 . DARKSTARLLC . COM, port 10336), or to use their own teamspeak servers to help coordinate. We will be looking for RAF team players as well as Luftwaffe team players. It is not necessary for us to have equal numbers of RAF or Luftwaffe for the test, so please come on in.

What do I do when I get there?

The first thing to do would be to say hello! The second thing to do would be to find out what's currently happening. The mission is designed to allow the Luftwaffe team to decide on a target and start a bomber raid via the menu system. The same menu system will allow all Luftwaffe team players to find out what the current target is, what the route of the AI bombers is, and a system of locating friendly contacts in the air in real time. There is no restriction on airfields you can use for either team.

In short:
If you join the RAF team, find out where the enemy is coming across the channel and scramble to intercept...or wait at readiness until the raid does come.
If you join the Luftwaffe, team find out where the bombers are headed and link up with them to provide escort...or start a raid yourself!

If you're unsure of what to do, please ask! On our Teamspeak server we will have a team coordinator for both Red and Blue available to help assist you with the various detailed systems and menus involved in the mission. Using these is also not required to participate - if your preference is simply to come along and fly with your friends, the coordinator will help guide you to the action without your needing to learn the menus at all.

When will the real campaign start?

We are hoping to have the official campaign begin in coordination with the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain and present the campaign in real time matching day for day starting with July 10th, 2015 equaling July 10th, 1940. Each day will be presented starting at 9:00pm EST (GMT -5).

Re: "70 days of B of B" - Campanha persistente online.

Posted: 26 Jun 2015 23:08
by 21_Sokol1
There are 55 detailed targets on the map in all, including:

23 Airfields (providing operational bases)
7 Ports (accepting convoy supplies)
7 Fuel Depots (storing fuel for flights)
5 Fuel Refineries (producing fuel for flights)
4 Aircraft Parts Factories (generating parts to repair damaged aircraft and build new ones)
9 Civilian Targets (keeping morale high)

Plus, 7 possible convoy missions in the channel that bring randomly chosen supplies (fuel, parts, or morale boosting goods) to the Red team.

Testing will continue right up until the campaign start date of July 10th! Please stop by and have a look at the map if you think you'd like to participate.
Condições para vitória.
The mission is set to run 70 times. July 10th to September 17th. The mission 'ends' when one of a few conditions are met:

1. If British morale is reduced to 0, the public revolts, kicks Churchill out of office and makes terms with Germany.
2. If the Luftwaffe is losing too many pilots over the channel vs the number of combat sorties made (for players only - can't vouch for AI abilities / decisions so they won't count towards this) then Hitler recalls the Luftwaffe and cancels Seelowe.
3. If the RAF is reduced to such a point where they cannot provide a defense of England, the Germans invade and the mission ends.
4. If the mission runs the full 70 days with no clear winner, Hitler cancels Seelowe and England survives to fight on (the 'historical' end).

The targets themselves are repairable. Each target has three damage levels (light, medium, heavy) and for each level of damage, it'll take one day to repair. So if a fuel refinery is dealt heavy damage, it will take at least 3 days of constant repair before it will produce fuel again. If an airfield is dealt moderate damage, it'll take 2 days before it can be made active again. etc.

Damage is persistent and if not repaired will linger. Civilian targets that are left without fire and rescue crews sent will impact morale. Fuel depots that are left unrepaired will 'leak' fuel each day.

Convoys offer the Red team the opportunity to get large quantities of resources quickly, but only if the convoy survives and only if it can reach an active port.

There are lots of ways to impact the battle. More than we probably will have players for...

Re: "70 days of B of B" - Campanha persistente online.

Posted: 29 Jun 2015 14:31
by 21_Sokol1
"Repairs are selected by players through the tab menu. If repairs are not requested, damage is not repaired. Red team has to decided what is most important to repair as available repair crews are limited."

Re: "70 days of B of B" - Campanha persistente online -10/7/

Posted: 04 Jul 2015 19:37
by 21_Sokol1
Determinados objetivos para aparecem no briefing como alvos precisarão ser RECONhecidos, se tornando o "target for today" para o dia seguinte.


Re: "70 days of B of B" - Campanha persistente online -10/7/

Posted: 08 Jul 2015 11:36
by 21_Sokol1
Campanha começou, senha de acesso: bob75th