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BoS - Lista dos controles

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 15:41
by 21_Sokol1
Lista atual dos controles do Bo$ - caso alguem queira imprimir (ou interpretar). :lol:
IL2 Sturmovik : Battle of Stalingrad

Action = Default Keyboard Command

Category Service

Make a screenshot of the game = SysRq (PrtScn)
Game pause on – off = P
Accelerate time in mission= [
Decelerate time in mission = ]
Flight recording enables – disables = L_Ctrl + R
Esc menu show – hide = Escape
Lobby = Tab
Mission briefing show – hide = O (Map full)
Change ingame map mode = M (micro and mini map)
Change ingame instrument panel mode = I (digital info for Altitude, Speed, HDG)
Send chat messages to all = Enter
Send chat messages to friendly = R_Ctrl + Enter
Hud show – hide = H (HUD is all overly information)

Category Camera controls

Reset camera Numpad = 5
Reset external free camera = C
Free camera – slow mode Numpad = 0
Camera zoom = Numpad Subtract / Numpad Add
Rotate camera up – down = Numpad 8 / Numpad 2
Rotate camera left – right = Numpad 4 / Numpad 6
Camera local rotation up – down = L_Shift + Mouse Y
Camera local rotation left – right = L_Shift + Mouse X
Inpcam_rotate_hf_yaw = Mouse X
Inpcam_rotate_hf_pitch = Mouse Y
Move free camera forward – backward = S / W
Move free camera left – right = A / D
Move free camera up – down = F / R
Camera: player cockpit = F1
Camera operator: enemy = L_Ctrl + F12
Camera operator: friendly = F12
Camera padlock: friendly aircraft = R_Shift + F8
Camera padlock: enemy aircraft = F8
Camera padlock: close aircraft = R_Ctrl + F8
Camera padlock: friendly ground units = R_Shift + F7
Camera padlock: enemy ground units = R_Ctrl + F7
Camera: combat camera = F4
External free camera at player plane = F2
External free camera at friendly aircraft = L_Shift + F2
External free camera at enemy aircraft = L_Ctrl + F2
External free camera at ground units = F5
External free camera at friendly ground units = L_Shift + F5
External free camera at enemy ground units = L_Ctrl + F5
External free camera at bombs = F6
External free camera at friendly bombs = L_Shift + F6
External free camera at enemy bombs = L_Ctrl + F6
Camera: flyby = F3
Camera: free = F11
Camera: track = L_Ctrl + F1
Camera: head-unlinked cockpit = L_Alt + F1

Category Pilot head control

Pilot head: zoom = Mouse Wheel
Pilot head: zoom in = Numpad Add
Pilot head: zoom out = Numpad Subtract
Pilot head: reset zoom = Numpad Multiply
Change veh turret zoom = Mouse Wheel
Bow pilot head vertically = Mouse Y
Turn pilot head horizontally = Mouse X
Turn gunners head horizontally = Mouse X
Change pilot head control method: centered - fixed – additive snap – pan view = F9
Save current corrections in head snap position = F10
Pilot head snap position: center = Numpad 5
Pilot head snap position modifier: upper = Numpad 0
Pilot head snap position modifier: lower = Numpad Enter
Pilot head snap position modifier: custom = Numpad Decimal
Pilot head snap position: forward = Numpad 8
Pilot head snap position: forward – right = Numpad 9
Pilot head snap position: right = Numpad 6
Pilot head snap position: backward - right = Numpad 3
Pilot head snap position: backward = Numpad 2
Pilot head snap position: backward – left = Numpad 1
Pilot head snap position: left = Numpad 4
Pilot head snap position: forward – left = Numpad 7
Switch veh turret sight position = L_Ctrl + Mouse Wheel
Move pilot head forward =Insert
Move pilot head backward = Home
Move pilot head left = Delete
Move pilot head right = End
Move pilot head up = Page Up
Move pilot head down = Page Down
Turret, gunsight view: reset vertical view to gunsight = L_Shift + Numapd 5
Turret, gunsight view: view vertical = L_Shift + Mouse Y
Turret, gunsight view: reset horizontal view to gunsight = L_Shift + Numpad 5
Turret, gunsight view: view horizontal = L_Shift + Mouse X

Category Plane controls

Ai – autopilot on – off = A
Ai – autopilot for level flight on – off = L_Shift + A
Level flight ai – autopilot: left turn = L_Shift + Z
Level flight ai – autopilot: right turn = L_Shift + X
Plane control: pitch Cursor Up / Cursor = Down
Plane control: roll Cursor Left / Cursor = Right
Plane control: yaw = Z / X
Adjustable stabilizer = R_Shift + Cursor Up / R_Shift + Cursor Down
Yaw trim left = L_Ctrl + Z
Yaw trim right = L_Ctrl + X
Pitch trim up = R_Ctrl + Cursor Down
Pitch trim down = R_Ctrl + Cursor Up
Roll trim left = R_Ctrl + Cursor Left
Roll trim right = R_Ctrl + Cursor Right
Reset trimmers = L_Ctrl + T
Adjustable stabilizer up = R_Shift + Cursor Down
Adjustable stabilizer down = R_Shift + Cursor Up
Flaps up = L_Shift + F
Flaps down = F
Airbrakes on – off = R_Alt + B
Attack siren on – off = L_Alt + S
Gear up – down = G
Tail wheel lock – unlock = L_Shift + G
Wheel brakes = Slash (all planes)
Left wheel brakes (german) = Comma
Right wheel brakes (german) = Period
Wheels parking brakes on – off = L_Shift + Slash
Canopy open – close = R_Alt + C
Gunsight filter up – down = L_Alt + F
Landing lights on – off = R_Shift + L
Navigation lights on – off R_Ctrl + L
Cockpit light on – off = L
Eject = L_Ctrl + E

Category Engine controls

Automatic mixtures and superchargers control = L_Shift + M
Automatic radiators control = L_Shift + R
Automatic RPM limiter = L_Shift + N
Engage engines start procedure – stop engine = E
Engines throttle control = Minus / Equals
Propellers pitch control = R_Shift + Minus / R_Shift + Equals
Engines mixture control minus = R_Alt + Minus / R_Alt + Equals
Engines mixture control plus = R_Alt + Minus / R_Alt + Equals
Switch engines superchargers: 1st gear speed – 2nd gear speed = L_Shift + S
Switch engines boost on – off = L_Shift + B
Switch propellers pitch control mode manual – auto = R_Shift + P
Propellers: high pitch = R_Shift + Equals
Propellers: low pitch = R_Shift + Minus
Propellers feathering on – off = L_Ctrl + F
Switch water radiators control mode manual – auto = R_Shift + R
Oil radiator: open shutters = R_Ctrl + Equals
Oil radiator: close shutters = R_Ctrl + Minus
Oil radiator: open shutters = R_Win + Equals
Oil radiator: close shutters = R_Win + Minus
Oil radiator: Open to next notch = R_Win + Equals
Oil radiator: Close to previous notch = R_Win + Minus
Water radiators shutters control = R_Ctrl + Minus / R_Ctrl + Equals
Oil radiators shutters control = R_Win + Minus / R_Win + Equals
Engines cowl shutters control = L_Alt + Minus / L_Alt + Equals
Switch common control of engines on – off = 0
Switch engine 1 control on – off = 1
Switch engine 2 control on – off = 2
Engage engine 1 start procedure – stop engine = R_Ctrl + 1
Engine 1 throttle control =
Engine 1 propeller pitch control =
Engine 1 mixture control =
Engine 1 supercharger switch: 1st gear speed – 2nd gear speed =
Engine 1 boost switch on – off =
Engine 1 propeller pitch control mode switch: manual – auto =
Engine 1 propeller: manual high pitch =
Engine 1 propeller: manual low pitch =
Engine 1 water radiator shutters control =
Engine 1 oil radiator shutters control =
Engine 1 cowl shutters control =
Engage engine 2 start procedure – stop engine = R_Ctrl + 2
Engine 2 throttle control =
Engine 2 propeller pitch control =
Engine 2 mixture control =
Engine 2 supercharger switch: 1st gear speed – 2nd gear speed =
Engine 2 boost switch on – off =
Engine 2 propeller pitch control mode switch: manual – auto =
Engine 2 propeller: manual high pitch =
Engine 2 propeller: manual low pitch =
Engine 2 water radiator shutters control =
Engine 2 oil radiator shutters control =
Engine 2 cowl shutters control =

Category Weapons controls

Fire all guns = Space
Fire only machine guns = R_Alt + Space
Fire only cannons = L_Alt + Space
Bomb sight = V
Drop bombs = B
Throw bombs mode toggle = L_Ctrl + B
Launch rockets = R
Launch rockets mode toggle = L_Win + R
Bomb bay doors toggle = N
Bomb safety switch = L_Win + S
Reload all guns = L_Alt + R
Remove personal weapon – flare pistol = L_Ctrl + Tidle
Red flare = L_Ctrl + 1
Green flare = L_Ctrl + 2
White flare = L_Ctrl + 3
inpbc_gun4 =
inpbc_gun5 =
Shoot personal weapon – flare pistol = L_Ctrl + Space
Switch to a next free plane combat post = L_Ctrl + C
Switch to a next firing point in the current turret = L_Shift + C
Turret: take - leave control = T
Turret: nestle to the gunsight = L_Shift + T
Fire turret guns = Mouse Left Button
Reload turret guns =L_Alt + R
Gunners: fire at will = R_Alt + 1
Gunners: return fire = R_Alt + 2
Gunners: cease fire = R_Alt + 3
Gunners: cease heavy weapons fire = R_Alt + 4
Gunners: attack ballons = R_Alt + 5
Gunners: attack ground targets = R_Alt + 6
Gunners: shot attack distance = R_Alt + 7
Gunners: normal attack distance = R_Alt + 8
Gunners: long attack distance = R_Alt + 9

Category Flight leader commands

Flight leader command: hold this position and wait = L_Ctrl + 0
Flight leader command: attack nearest air target = L_Alt + 1
Flight leader command: attack nearest ground target = L_Alt + 2
Flight leader command: stop action and follow our mission = L_Alt + 3
Flight leader command: do like me (copy my action) = L_Alt + 4
Flight leader command: flight formation columm = L_Ctrl + 6
Flight leader command: flight formation left edge = L_Ctrl + 7
Flight leader command: flight formation right edge = L_Ctrl + 8
Flight leader command: formation V = L_Ctrl + 9
Flight leader command: hold formation and cover me = L_Alt + 5
Flight leader command: accept the leadership = L_Alt + 9
Flight leader command: patrol the area = L_Alt + 6
Flight leader command: patrol for air enemies = L_Alt + 7
Flight leader command: patrol for ground enemies = L_Alt + 8
Flight leader command: return to base = L_Alt + 0

Category Pilot gestures

Pilot gesture: Look ahead! = L_Shift + 1
Pilot gesture: Ok! = L_Shift + 2
Pilot gesture: Destroy! = L_Shift + 3
Pilot gesture: Middle finger for the one who translated this! L_Shift+123
Vai precisar do Champollion para decifrar os comandos para radiadores de óleo. :rofl:
