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POV do piloto

Posted: 13 Nov 2013 21:40
by 21_Sokol1
Talvez para evitar a "choradeira" de "piloto alemão fecha o olho esquerdo para mirar, não fecha... move a cabeça para a direita, não move.".. blábláblá...

No Bo$ o ponto de vista do piloto sera sempre olhando através do gunsight, assim tanto faz se o mesmo esta no centro, à esquerda, ou mais alto...

Também depois do que o "Afrouxar correias" do CloD deu o que falar... :P
Default view from the cockpit is placed on a standard rule - the player by default is to look through the gunsight.
I will say that, in Messerschmitt the default view will be shifted more to the right.

The basis for the banal - a normal player should not experience unnecessary difficulties in aiming and shooting, realistic physics and weapons, and so they create enough.

Do not like it? - so the cap F10 in aid and customize the look of the cab itself as you want.

PS - I warn you in advance - to try to convince this approach does not even try it, what good it will not. Let's have another chenit.
Tá "russo" mas da para entender "marrom"...
