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Scripts X "Gameplay"

Posted: 15 Sep 2013 17:05
by 21_Sokol1
Proposta do Salvo para uma forma "realistica" de controlar o numero de aviões nas bases (na Homeplate).
No inicio da missão havera X aviões estáticos na base que significam os aviões que poderarão ser usados pelos jogadores, decolou um avião um estático some, pousou, volta para o "estoque".

Permite que aviões sejam translatados para bases com deficiência... Ou levar modelos melhotes (Ex. Spit IIa) para bases com modelos antigos (Spit Mk I).

Permite fechar uma base, eliminando seus avioes.

Legal, né? :)

Realidade? Não funciona num servidor "dogfight" - talvez funcione num de "guerra virtual".

-Quem vai querer ser piloto da WAAF (levar avião de uma base para outra)? :P
-As missões - alem do tradicional deogfight "lumberman" - vão ser apenas um festival de estrafe para fechar as base...
-Ou se uma base com aviões "bons" fechar, os "scoreplayers" saem da missão...

Developed a new scripting feature that better simulates planes at airbases. The concept is fairly straight forward.

1. There is one stationary plane at each airbase for each human-spawnable plane at that airbase.
2. When a player spawns-in at a base, a stationary plane corresponding to the player's plane-type is removed from the base. ie a static plane is replaced by the player's plane.
3. If there are no statonary planes of the correct plane-type, then the player will not be able to spawn-in in that type of plane at that base.
4. When a player lands at an airbase, the player's plane is despawned & a new stationary plane of the player's plane-type is added to the airfield. ie a new static plane replaces the player's plane.

This methodology has a number of quite interesting spin-offs:

a. Plane transfers between bases - Players can now fly a plane from another base where a particualr plane type may be available, and land at a base where that plane type is not available, and there will then be one plane of the new type at the landing airfield. ie. Plane transfers between bases becomes a reality. Perhaps we'll see missions where some pilots will act to 'transfer' planes from the rear to the front-line bases?

b. Limited plane numbers/types at bases - Having one static plane for each available 'real' plane at a base effectively introduces 'limited plane numbers & plane types at bases'. Don't bring you're plane home & you don't get another static plane to allow you to spawn-in again. Bring you're plane home to another base, that's OK, that plane will be available next time at the base where you landed, but not at the base where you tookoff from.

c. Ground-planes as targets - In addition, to bombing airfields out of action, stationary planes now become 'real' and meaningful targets to defend or destroy. It is worth your while to destroy a static plane since that would prevent a players spawning in at that base. It is worth your while defending static planes at bases beceause you'll need them to be able to spawn-in there again.

d. Destroying airfields - So in addition to destroying the airfield runws & ground with bomb craters, you can now also 'deactivate' an airfield by destroying all the available (static) planes at that airfield. But the enemy can make the field operational again by flying in other planes.

This concept is in final testing, but I need feedback about pro's & cons as it develops. ... php?t=5718 ... php?t=5718
