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Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Posted: 17 Aug 2013 14:25
by Furias
A fraqueza do lagg-3 era seu motor muito fraco para a estrutura feita de madeira ( baquelite) . El foi projetado para usar um klimov -106 com potência nominal de 1350 hp. Mas o motor não era confiável e tiveram que se limitar a um klimov -105. A excelência do projeto só surgiu com a adição dos motores radiais que conduziram a série la-5 e la-7 ;)

Vou jogar muito com ele pra desbloquear o yak -1 :P

Online muito provavelmente vou me focar nos 109 :devil: que prefiro aos 190.

Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 07:52
by 40_Griffon

Horrido! :D

Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 17:52
by 21_Sokol1
Na tal Gamescon é só OR para plá, OR para cá...



Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 20:19
by 28_Condor

O que e OR?

Bonito pe2... sera que a metranca ventral neste funfa? No il2 vanilla nao funcionava.


Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 20:59
by 21_Sokol1
OR = Occulus Rift, só se fala nisso - para 90% destes "simuleiros" por ai se o Bo$
vier com suporte HD ao OR já basta, nem precisa suportar joystic, HOTAS e etc. :P


Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 23:10
by 21_Sokol1
O que um alemão "captou" na Gamescom:
If you see the version shown 777 still has some work to do... I really hope the premium buyers are aware that it is an early beta they have acquired during their release ....
- The new GUI is still a work in progress.
- How exactly the Yak will look could not now say exactly Loft.
- As first-bombers now comes the Pe2.
- At the AI ​​is tweaked heavily compared to RoF, a) to make it better, b) to the PC to save resouces especially with ground units - so more is going to the missions.
- The artillery gets realistic ranges (IIRC this is also so in RoF)
- I asked Jason about detonator switches (one can do with CoD and now also in IL2'46 much). It lead to a question mark on his face .......... then have spoken briefly about the detonator switch of the 109. Loft was there not there. So let's see what comes. PS. The bomb fusing in the 109 was.cleared up by Albert after Frank left, it is operational and is modelled.
- With loft addressed the operation of Bomb sights. Still done nothing, but we both like the GUI of RoF was very sympathetic ;-) So at least here, then, might come that will be the bomb visor to use the mouse
- LaGG3 gets M105PF engine, otherwise they would have no chance at all ..... 20mm, 23mm or 37mm cannon for election.
- low altitude flight above the snow, icy landscape with the sun is low is fantastic reflections, one can estimate his height very well
- Oh yes, all the trees have collision model: D
- It is, at least at the moment, be no real-time damage model. But prefabricated optical damage models. Question of time and computer resources
- (Bf 109 ?) Strapping in is fixed (thx god!)
- Jason has defended the system which the weapon options earn only in the single player campaign. So that the players get more into the game. You can earn not only the weapons but also the mission type belonging to it, ie fighter-bomber missions come only when one has earned the bomb load. But if it leads to too many problems in multiplayer Jason is quite willing then to go again in himself and to find a solution whatsoever
- The campaign is like RoF on their Masterserver, so you have to be online here.
- Skins are treated like RoF
- The (unlock) 15mm Gunpods the F-4, I've just checked times, was also il2'46 so: D
- IL2 is the base of the cannon 20mm, the 23mm one has to "unlock"
- LaGG and IL 2 feel heavy, so a good feeling.
- Loft described with enthusiasm how different LaGG and the 109 are to be brought out of the spins :-D he truly lives the subject Flightsim
- The Ocullus where I was so ill, that I was still rather uncomfortably hot for me.
- Jason would like a Ju52 (as a target) in the scenario so ...... All is perhaps not lost
- Open-cockpit gives speed loss
- As in RoF can fire flares
- Even Without this Occulus have the cockpits a beautifully designed 'plasticity'

Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Posted: 23 Aug 2013 00:20
by Furias

O motor( pelo menos o nome ) está historicamente correto para a versão do lagg-3 escolhida para estrelar o simulador.

Com ele o avião tinha uma melhor performance por volta dos 2700 metros e ao nível do mar . Por outro lado seu teto de serviço era inferior a versão anterior , série 23.

Como os combates online na maioria da vezes ocorre rente ao solo , a avioneta pode até surpreender :P


Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Posted: 23 Aug 2013 09:50
by 28_Condor

Thanks God, ja fiz meu pre-order e nao peguei esse aumentao do dolar, que parece deve ficar pior. Alguns dizem que deve chegar a 3 reais...

Pra mim o jogo ja parece sufientemente promissor para apoia-lo :-)


Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Posted: 23 Aug 2013 10:13
by 44_Santo
Pra mim também, mas não estou com Dilmas sobrando no momento, infelizmente. :P


Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Posted: 23 Aug 2013 13:18
by 21_Sokol1

Peshka pictures.


"Emprestado" do BoM? Esta meio "serrotado"...


Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Posted: 25 Aug 2013 10:19
by 21_Sokol1
Você sabe usar o Autocad ou o Visual Basic ou criar circuitos eletrônicos com o Eagle?

Ótimo, achará "fácil" usar o ME (Editor de Missões) do Bo$, porque será o mesmo do RoF. :lol:
Posted Yesterday (24/08/2013), 08:51

It's the same ME as ROF. No time for changes.

BTW the ROF ME was NEVER intended to be an end-user tool.
It is a developer tool and was only released due to pressure from the early ROF community before launch.
Due to language issues it was never fully explained what they were getting and everyone had pre-conceived notions about what it would be. So finding fault with something that was never designed for public use is a bit misplaced. I'm glad we at least put it our there at all.
Ou seja foi um quebra galho "rusched" que ficou por isso mesmo, e vai continuar...


Tutoriais do Vandestok:

Engraçado são os "UbiZ00ers" achando que o "il-2 II" viria com o FMB do Oleg. |(


Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Posted: 25 Aug 2013 11:28
by 28_Condor

Esse certamente sera o ponto fraco do BoS, assim como no ROF...


Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Posted: 25 Aug 2013 22:47
by 21_Sokol1
Videos da Gamescon:
Ao abrir o canopi a velocidade caiu.

Que HUD maledeto esse ai... :P


Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Posted: 26 Aug 2013 18:24
by 42_Hildebrand

O BOS suporta 3d?


Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Posted: 26 Aug 2013 19:03
by 21_Sokol1
Provalmente, pois deve ter suporte ao Oculus Rift.
