CloD - Balistica

Forgotten Battles, Ace Expansion Pack, Pacific Fighters, 1946 e Cliffs of Dover. Dúvidas, dicas, novidades e debates.
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CloD - Balistica

Post by 21_Sokol1 »

Como sempre tem "Luftwhiner" reclamando do "power" dos canhões.
The weapons simulation in the game takes into account the following:

1) Muzzle velocity (meters per second velocity at the moment round departs muzzle)

2) Weight of the round (muzzle velocity plus round weight equals kinetic energy at the moment of impact)

3) Weight of the explosive charge (chemical or explosive energy)

4) Round metallurgic composition (ie. what the metallurgy of the round is, which translates into hardness of the metal and ability to penetrate)

5) Rate of fire

6) Dispersion (effect of vibration due to movement of the mounting during firing and flight on the accuracy of the round)

7) Gravitational effect (ie. speed at which the object falls towards the earth's center after leaving the muzzle)

8 ) Drag effects (rate at which the velocity of the round decays)

9) Type of explosive used in the round (ie. nitro cellulose, tnt, etc. each rated for their explosive power)

10) Weight of the complete cartridge is also modeled, (in addition to the weight of the fired round) so the aircraft weight can be adjusted down as cartridges are used

11) Weapon jamming is not modeled, although no doubt it could be if we wanted, and may be incorporated in later TF mods. (the wingmount MG/FF was prone to jamming when fired in other than level flight, especially when fired in high G situations as for example, high G turns to allow deflection firing. In contrast, the Browning .303 and MG17 were not prone to jamming in these situations)

12) Round fusing... ie. how many seconds after an HE round is fired the fuse will cause the round to explode.

All of the game weapons are based on the real life weapons.

I would recommend anyone who is so completely unsatisfied with the way the weapons currently function create their own mod.
O que é fácil:
// Concussion --- ôóãàñíûé
// Fragmentation --- îñêîëî÷íûé
// Thermal --- çàæèãàòåëüíûé
// HollowCharge --- êóìóëÿòèâíûé
// Electromagnetic --- ýëåêòðîìàãíèòíûé
// Antimatter --- ðåàêöèÿ àííèãèëÿöèè
// Nuclear --- ÿäåðíûé
// òèïû Â.Â. áûâàþò:
// TNT --- òðèíèòðîòîëóîë (òðîòèë)
// Amatol --- àììîòîë
// AmmoniumNitrate --- íèòðàò àììîíèÿ
// ANFO --- ÀÑÄÒ
// BlackPowder --- äûìíûé ïîðîõ
// C4 --- C4
// CompositionB --- ãåêñîãåí-òðîòèëîâàÿ ñìåñü
// HMX --- îêòîãåí
// Nitroglycerin --- íèòðîãëèöåðèí
// NuclearCharge --- ýêâèâàëåíòíûé òåðìîÿäåðíûé çàðÿä
// Octanitrocubane --- îêòàíèòðîêóáàí
// PETN --- ïåíòàýðèòðèòòåòðàíèòðàò
// RDX --- ãåêñîãåí
// Semtex --- ñåìòåêñ
// Tetryl --- òåòðèë
// Tetrytol --- òåòðèòîë (òåòðèë/òðîòèë)
// AntimatterCharge --- àíòèâåùåñòâî
// Phosphor --- ôîñôîð
// Gasoline --- áåíçèí

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Re: CloD - Balistica

Post by 28_Condor »

11) Weapon jamming is not modeled, although no doubt it could be if we wanted, and may be incorporated in later TF mods. (the wingmount MG/FF was prone to jamming when fired in other than level flight, especially when fired in high G situations as for example, high G turns to allow deflection firing. In contrast, the Browning .303 and MG17 were not prone to jamming in these situations)
Se ele quer isso implementado mais parece um luftlooser :P

Seria mais um motivo para o MrX não aparecer no ATAG, já que ele usava o canhão fazendo cavalo-de-pau e canguru-perneta ao mesmo tempo :D

[b]Eu confio no povo brasileiro. Voto facultativo já no Brasil![/b]
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Re: CloD - Balistica

Post by 21_Sokol1 »

Fatos: O TF diz ter introduzido um anti-cheater nos Patchs.

Antes, qualquer um capaz de usar o Keygets.dll podia usar munição "Nuclear, Antimater, Eletromagnetic" - seja lá o que for isso, simplesmente copiando e colando textos e incorporando como MOD.

Concidentemente, com o lançamento do TF 3.0 o "famoso" sumiu de lá...

Ele esta jogando Bo$, vide screenshot do host postado pelo Furias, mas até agora não mostrou vídeos das proezas balísticas...

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Re: CloD - Balistica

Post by 44_Santo »

No dia que o TF implementar o jamming na MG FF, o servidor pode ficar vazio. :P

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Re: CloD - Balistica

Post by Heero »

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