IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles = Desenvolvimento

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Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Post by 21_Sokol1 »

Believed it or not.

Solicitado no forum russo do il-2:BoS, um "mini-game" para saltar de paraquedas, com direito a teclas piscando
na tela no melhor estilo COD (COD, não CLoD :P).
There is a proposal to make a bailout pilot of the aircraft is more interesting than just pressing Ctrl-E (or some other key combination). The idea is taken from the video game consoles (which I really do not play). I suggest a little complicate the process of ejection by entering additional key sequences, such as W, A, S, D, the player must put in the correct order for a successful start to the process of ejection. That is, the process of leaving the aircraft will look like this:

1. The opening of the cockpit by pressing the appropriate key. If the booth is open or another member of the crew, this step is skipped.
2. Pressing Ctrl-E (or other adopted in the game shortcut for this event) triggered the beginning of the process of ejection.
3. After a moment's pause when you press Ctrl-E on the screen begin to light up the letters W, A, S, D, and with a pause in a random sequence, the player must drive with the keyboard in the same sequence as the on-screen characters. Total number of such letters must enter 4-6 for the successful implementation of the bailout began. If in the process of entering letters player makes a mistake, you are requested to input letters continues until a player does not enter the necessary 4-6 letters in the correct sequence. After all the letters have been entered, the process of ejection is completed and we are seeing the pilot left the aircraft.

Now, what does it do. Need this in order to simulate the complexity of the process of ejection. I think it's certainly adds drive and adrenaline to the gameplay, and adds realism to the concept of an emergency escape pilot of the plane when the pilot required to perform a sequence of actions and maximum concentration. The more focused and faster the player will be required to enter a sequence of letters, the faster the process of ejection. Moreover, the delay of ejection will be different depending on the level of skill of the player.
Também tem um solicitando que os "unlocks, anchievements" seja exibidos em mensagem na tela, em tempo real...

Ainda bem que os "old crown" não lêm russo - haveria infartos. :lol:


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Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Post by 44_Santo »

Que piada. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Post by 21_Sokol1 »

Como um "old crow" :P me preocupa a choradeira dos Old Crow do UbiZ00 - por sei muito bem o quanto esta turma focada só em preferências individuais (um quer visão "WW", outro quer "cut scenes" no lugar de vôo entre dois waypoints...), influenciou o Oleg em decisões erradas, mas preocupa mais os os "Russos gamers" - que tem mais acesso aos Dev's do BoS - o Loft dialoga com eles, no "angloforum" em geral ameaça banir... :P

Por exemplo tem um solicitando "explosões coloridas estilo Bf-4/Hollywood" .
O "confeti" que cai dos aviões atingidos no War Thunder deve fazer sucesso entre eles. :P

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Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Post by 44_Santo »

Olha, por mim eles poderiam fazer o que quisessem, desde de que tudo fosse configurável no servidor.
Por exemplo, poderiam ter os tais efeitos Hollywood que agradam os fãs do Rambo, mas deveria ter uma opção para se escolher entre efeitos Hollywood ou efeitos de filmagens reais da WWII.
Não daria muito trabalho para fazer isso, mesmo porque é mais fácil desenvolver efeitos realistas do que desenvolver efeitos Hollywood cheios de shows pirotécnicos, mas duvido que eles perderiam tempo fazendo isso, seria como um retrabalho, o que não é desejável.
Mas é uma ideia. :P

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Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Post by 21_Sokol1 »

O problema é tornar estas "bulshits" parte permanente do jogo, como alguns parecem querer.

O é ideal seria tornar o jogo "MOD firendly", assim cada um faz o que quer.

Mas a questão de não poder "pintar o Mickey Mouse" nos aviões já esta gerando polêmica. :P

Apesar de que semana passada terminei de ler o "OVER FIELDS OF FIRE: Flying the Sturmovik in Action on the Eastern Front 1942-4" autobiografia da "pilota" Anna Timofeeva-Egorova e ela conta que um sujeito vendeu sua criação de abelhas, pagou pela construção de um IL-2, foi na base onde os filhos serviam, um como piloto e outro como mecânico, doou o avião solicitando que o mecânico fosse promovido a gunner e que os dois voassem juntos.

O il-2 tinha na lateral a inscrição "Para os Pirikvakh*, de seu pai".

BTW - sobre os "unlocks", os que tem no RO2 são um grande besteira - servem para nego reclamar tipo: a mira telescópica que a MG recebeu no "level 50" esta atrapalhando a visão periférica. :P

*Inventado, não lembro o que era...

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Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Post by komet163 »

Para mim, o que mais tem mostrado que este game vai ser um dos melhores que teremos a oportunidade de jogar, é justamente a experiência da equipe 1C&7777.

Estes caras já viram de tudo em simuladores de combate aéreo, e sabem perfeitamente o que fazer para o game ter sucesso e ser bem visto pela comunidade.

Um dos pontos forte e a preocupação com os fatos históricos e que leva a uma grande imersão no jogo. Você não esta lá apenas para fazer um combate aéreo atirando em tudo e em todos, você esta lá porque você gosta da história como aconteceu naqueles dias, o equipamento, as aeronaves, os eventos históricos etc.

Já esta sendo bom aguardar o lançamento desse game!!! :rofl:
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Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Post by 21_Sokol1 »


ACM. :P ... entry14073

Note no final do vídeo que as luzes de navegação estão acessas - sem o efeito "UFO" do il-2.

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Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Post by 21_Sokol1 »

Oportunidade para colocar seus "wishes" em evidência - antes que alguém venha pedir novamente que o gunner fique com dor de barriga durante as manobras e não atire, ou a possibilidade de abandonar o avião em vôo e criar outro... #$%%¨&*UbiZ00!

Vide: ... entry14149

Solicitei um Map Tools "a la CloD" aperfeiçoado, com habilidade de desenhar permanentemente mais de uma linha no mapa e uma simplificação do DR-2/E6-B para os cálculos apropriados. :)

Image ;)
Night Witches navigators:

Engraçado é que no forum russo tem este tópico desde o começo do Bo$.. e acho que já tem até pedido de modo "caça a raposa". :lol:

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Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Post by 28_Condor »

Note no final do vídeo que as luzes de navegação estão acesas - sem o efeito "UFO" do il-2.
Depois do "fade out"? Realmente nada ufo, aliás nada mesmo, eu não consegui enxergar :drunk:

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Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Post by 28_Condor »


Esse aqui tem olho de águia:
The pit (wow i liked the way the seconds hand of the clock is moving, just like a true mechanical clock and not just one movement per second like the modern quartz ones, this is excellent attention to details!!!) , plane and landscape 3D are awesome, i also liked the forests and trees very much, (looks like the woods and forests are made of individual trees, right?)
Ele pode ter gostado da floresta, do alto, mas como pôde ter gostado das árvores? :?:

PS: gostei das vozes gravadas, não tem o tom cômico das vozes do il2, pelo menos no lado alemão, vamos ver se os gunners russos não vão dar aquele gritinho pastelão "Ohhh nieeeéettt!!!" :D

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Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Post by 21_Sokol1 »

OT - "Night Witch" obituary.
Nadezhda Popova

Nadezhda Popova (standing) with some of her fellow 'Night Witches'

Nadezhda Popova, who has died aged 91, was a member of an elite corps of Soviet women — known as the “Night Witches” — who fought as bomber pilots in the air war against Germany, and the only one to win three Orders of the Patriotic War for bravery.
Nadezhda Popova, Polikarpov PO-2 two-seater biplane

A Polikarpov PO-2 biplane

Unlike Soviet men, women were not formally conscripted into the armed forces. They were volunteers. But the haemorrhaging of the Red Army after the routs of 1941 saw mass campaigns to induct women into the military. They were to play an essential role. More than 8,000 women fought in the charnel house of Stalingrad.

In late 1941 Stalin signed an order to establish three all-women Air Force units to be grouped into separate fighter, dive bomber and night bomber regiments. Over the next four years these regiments flew a combined total of more than 30,000 combat sorties and dropped 23,000 tons of bombs. Nadezhda Popova, then aged 19, was one of the first to join the best-known of the three units, the 588th Night Bomber Regiment (later renamed the 46th Taman Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment).

The 588th was not well equipped. Wearing hand-me-down uniforms from male pilots, the women flew 1920s-vintage Polikarpov PO-2 two-seater biplanes, which consisted of fabric strung over a plywood frame, and lacked all but the most rudimentary instruments.

There was no radio; navigation was done with a stopwatch and a map. The planes carried no guns, no parachutes and had only enough weight allowance to take two bombs, forcing the pilots to make multiple sorties (Nadezhda Popova once flew 18 in a single night), returning to base each time to collect more bombs, which were released with a wire cable jury-rigged to the wings.

Because they were so vulnerable, the 588th flew only at night, and was mainly involved in harassment bombing of German military encampments, rear area bases and supply depots. The strategic importance of the targets was seldom high, but the psychological effect of the raids was considerable.

Because the PO-2s were flimsy and flew near the ground, they could often pass undetected by radar. The pilots’ tactic was to fly to within a certain distance of the target, and cut their engines. They would then glide in silently, release their bombs, then restart their engines and fly home. The Germans called them the “Nachthexen” (the Night Witches) due to the whooshing sound they made — “like a witch’s broomstick in the night’’ — as they flew past. There was, supposedly, a promise to award an Iron Cross to any Luftwaffe pilot who actually managed to bring down a Night Witch.

To escape the German ground defences, the 588th flew in formations of three. Two would go in as decoys to attract the attention of the searchlights, then separate in opposite directions and twist and turn wildly to avoid the flak guns. As the searchlights scrambled to follow them, the third bomber would sneak in along the darkened path made by her two comrades and hit the target unopposed. She would then get out and rejoin the other two; they would then switch places until all three had delivered their payloads. It took nerves of steel to be a decoy, but as Nadezhda Popova recalled: “It worked.”

It was the cold that she recalled more than anything else: “When the wind was strong it would toss the plane. In winter when you’d look out to see your target better, you got frostbite, our feet froze in our boots, but we carried on flying.” There was no time for fear: “You had to focus on the target and think how you could hit it. There was no time to give way to emotions... Those who gave in were gunned down and they were burned alive in their craft as they had no parachutes.”

She recalled one particularly gruelling mission when, after bombing an ammunition dump, she found herself caught in the searchlights: “I manoeuvred and suddenly I saw them switch to another plane that flew after me. Enemy planes took off and shot it down, it caught fire and fell. That was one. Then I turned my head and saw a second plane go down in flames and then a third one lit up the sky like a falling torch. By the time I got back, four of our planes had perished with eight girls in them burned alive ... What a nightmare, poor girls, my friends, only yesterday we had slept in the bunks together.”

Nadezhda Popova, who was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel, was one of the best of the 588th pilots — and one of the luckiest. She flew 852 missions, serving in Ukraine, Rostov-on-Don, the North Caucasus near Grozny, Novorossiysk, Sevastopol, Minsk, Warsaw and Berlin. Though shot down or forced to land several times, she always emerged unharmed — and on one occasion she found romance too.

Shot down in July 1942 in the North Caucasus, she joined a retreating infantry column and, on the way back to her unit, met another pilot, Semyon Kharlamov, who had also been shot down. Only his eyes were visible through his bandages, but he charmed her with his jokes. They met a number of times again during the war and became Heroes of the Soviet Union by the same decree in February 1945. When they reached Berlin at the end of the war, they scribbled their names together on the walls of the Reichstag.

Shortly afterwards they married and remained together until Semyon’s death in 1990.

The daughter of a railwayman, Nadezhda Popova was born in Shabanovka (now Dolgoye) on December 17 1921 and brought up in Donetsk in Ukraine.

She decided to train as a pilot as a young girl when a small plane landed near her house and the pilot got out: “I thought, 'Oh my God! He’s just an ordinary man!’ We touched the wings of the plane and his leather jacket... and I had thought that they were some Hercules. And then I thought it would be great if I could fly like a bird.”

When she was 15 she joined a flying club, and in 1937, aged 16, made her first parachute jump and her first solo flight. She went on to train at the aviation school at Kherson, Ukraine, and became a flying instructor.

She decided to volunteer as a bomber pilot after her home was taken over by the invading Germans and her brother, Leonid, was killed at the front: “He was 20 and had never even kissed a girl,” she recalled. “My mother sobbed, 'That damn Hitler.’ I saw the German aircraft flying along our roads filled with people who were leaving their homes, firing at them with their machine guns... they blasted our school.”

After the war she returned to her work as a flying instructor.

In addition to her other decorations, she was awarded the Soviet Medal of Honour; the Order of Friendship; the Order of Lenin; and the Order of the Red Banner (three times).

She is survived by her son, now a general in the Belarussian Air Force.

Nadezhda Popova, born December 17 1921, died July 8 2013.

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Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Post by 28_Condor »


Se fizerem o Po-2 seria bem bacana umas missões noturnas com ele (principalmente se Stalingrado ficar caprichada como eles dizem que vai ficar) :)

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Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Post by 21_Sokol1 »


"No news in the eastern front."

Bom, tem isso:
Today he (Loft) flies to the US: why, by what plane and where exactly – we’ll tell you everything in a week or so.
Fechar contrato de distribuição com a Ubi? :)

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Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Post by 21_Sokol1 »

O planeset básico sera os 8 aviões já divulgados.
Os dois que faltam - para os inicialmente 10 anunciados - virão apenas na "Collector Edition" (pay2fly).

Se os "pools" no forum anglo e russo valerem, depois deverão sair como add-on (pay2fly) o P-40 (Lend-Lease) e IAR-80 (German allies).
Let´s start with the basic release and Add-On policy. At the release there will be 2 game versions at different pricing. The first, being the standard version, will include 8 planes:


IL-2 (one- & two-seater version)
Pe-2 (version?)


BF-109 F4
BF-109 G2
Viagem à moscou (de "simuleiros"):
Stalingrad itself is modeled 1 on 1 with every building placed exactly like in the real world and having their own damage level. I guess the Pilots from “Rise of Flight” are used to this even though every tree has a damage model :) .

A mission with 50 vs. 50 tanks (PzKw 4 vs. T34) engaging each other followed, where each tank and tank formation moved and choose its targets independently – no stutter, no micro freezes – simply beautiful.

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Re: BoS: IL-2 Sturmovik - Battle of Stalingrad, by 1C&777

Post by 28_Condor »

All this was run on a current average system and there was no noticeable hit on performance. Not when we moved the mouse in free-view mode like crazy or zoomed in and out of the city of Stalingrad.
Tomara que pelo menos não dê pau na visão do mouse como no RoF |(

O carinha que mantém o NewView tá sumido ou será que vai se interessar por adaptar este?
Again during the whole flight we were impressed by the visibility of the planes. One could identify it by its shape from great distance and judge its angle and flight direction exactly.
Muito bem! 8)

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