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BoS - Warbirds/Aces Hight style server

Posted: 16 Mar 2016 10:55
by 21_Sokol1
Destrua o FLAK e capture os "fields". ;P


Na falta de Ju 52 e paraquedistas "ISIL", pouse no local indicado a la WB 1.1x.

Poderiam limitar o pouso apenas a bombers, simulando estar desembarcando os "homem bomba". :@

The Virtualpilots of Finland have opened a custom battle server that is running a modification that resembles good old War Birds - style of action:

The name of the server in the game:

VirtualPilots - WB-AH arena style airfield conquering ... f=5&t=2694 (in Finnish)

Maps of the Fields: ... =10&t=2695

Short in English:

The map has airfields that are initially split (ownership) 50/50 red/blue. The fields' facilities can be destroyed and the field can be captured allowing friendly planes to spawn in it in the future. Ground facilities have a spawn timer of 30 minutes. When 80 % or more of the facilities are destroyed, the field is "offline" and it cannot be spawned from. When the destroyed facilities re-spawn, and the percentage of the "field destroyed" goes above 80 % again, the field is re-opened.

When the field is closed, the attacking side can bring (para)troopers with a cargo plane (Ju-52/Li-2) but since they're not yet available we have a compromise: the "paras" - Cargo-modified bombers: He-111 and Pe-2. Also, the paratrooper functionality is not yet done, so the attacker must land and taxi the cargo plane next to the control point (control tower) to capture the field.

After being captured, the field is opened for the side after the facilities re-spawn and the percentage of active facilities is under 80%.

The mission is reset after all the fields are captured and that side is claimed as the victor.

The mission runs for 10 hours, from dusk til dawn. The mission is reloaded after dawn, but the situation is not reset.

The server is set for Full Realism with map icon visible (at the moment). There are no limitations for the arming.

Stats-pages are "under construction" at the moment.

( Disclaimer : the system is of course in it's initial stages, bugs (will...) may occur. Report them here or preferably by email to gameserver at virtualpilots dot fi.

the chat commands currently available are:

<tl - timeleft in the mission
<field Nameofthefield reports the status of the field, e.g
<field Chrisovitsi - reports field status (open/closed) the number and percentage of facilities destroyed.

The mission is running the Velikie Luki and Stalingrad maps.
The recon images for the fields are available at: ... =10&t=2695
(right click: View or Save image if it is clipped or not shown in it's whole on the forum page)

Re: BoS - Warbirds/Aces Hight style server

Posted: 18 Mar 2016 21:23
by 21_Sokol1
21_Sokol1 wrote: Na falta de Ju 52 e paraquedistas "ISIL", pouse no local indicado a la WB 1.1x.

Poderiam limitar o pouso apenas a bombers, simulando estar desembarcando os "homem bomba". :@
De fato é realmente limitado a estes dois. :P

"When a field is closed, the attacking party can bring in paratroopers with a transport plane to conquer the field. Because we don't have Ju-52/Li-2 yet in the game (as player pilotable planes at least), we have to compromise, and use He-111 and Pe-2 (named "germanparas" and "russianparas" respectively). And because we don't have droppable paratroopers yet, the conquering happens by landing and parking the plane next to the airfield tower (wait still for ~10s). When the field is conquered and after enough ground objects respawn, the field opens, and is now in use for the attacking side. The process is fully dynamic, and the field can be recaptured by the opposite side."