MOD's - Team Fusion

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Re: MOD's - Team Fusion

Post by 21_Sokol1 »

Isso vai dar um choro: :lol:
Blenheims and all bomber types will be tougher for TF 5.0.

Research has indicated the weapons as modeled currently are too effective, most notably versus large aircraft.
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Re: MOD's - Team Fusion

Post by 21_Sokol1 »

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Re: MOD's - Team Fusion

Post by 28_Condor »


Huhu, um D-520 8)


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Re: MOD's - Team Fusion

Post by 21_Sokol1 »

Da mesma forma que esperar o DCS:WWII para daqui a dois anos é ilusão, esperar pelo CloD TF.50 no mesmo espaço de tempo também é.
Portanto divirtam-se com o "BoSBoM" ou WT. :P :lol:
Message to Community regarding Status of TF 5.0
Salute to the Community

This is a personal note to the community from one of Team Fusion's Project Managers designed to clarify the status of Team Fusion's Patch 5.0, and to clear up the many misconceptions which exist.

Of late, there has been a building level of speculation about when TF 5.0 will be released, and a certain amount of impatience and questions.

The members of Team Fusion do not want to create any misunderstandings or to have people believe we are making promises which will then upset those same people when we cannot fulfil the misunderstood expectations.

We are determined to be as honest as possible with the community so they are clear on our goals.

The first thing the community must understand is TF is made up of ordinary working stiffs. CLIFFS OF DOVER mods are just a hobby for us, just like it is for the community. We all have to make a living in real life, and RL takes priority. We are not in the position of being able to devote 100% of our working hours to complete the project. We do the work in our spare time.

Sometimes real life makes demands when mean we need to put our TF work aside. For example, of the 6-7 Department heads or Team leaders in TF, the guys who have contributed 90% of the work done on TF 4.312, three have had to take extended breaks of up to 9 months to attend to RL demands. Yes, they returned, but that is a lot of time to be losing people as important as they were to the team.

When someone as important as a department head is absent, that leaves a big hole. So much of the work in TF is compartmentalized, that is, we have specialists in particular departements who focus almost exclusively on that area. They don't have a lot of experience in other areas. So for example, our sound department leader has 90% of the ongoing development inside his head... and if he is absent for one reason or another, all work in the sound area tends to slow to a glacial rate.

We have also had people permanently burn out or lose interest... and leave the team. That happens, it is normal for amateur online groups.

The above all means the pace of development is much slower than in a professional development team, where the members are all being paid large sums of money to be present and contributing ALL the time.

There is also the factor we are continuing to have to unscramble the game and learn as we go. This applies even when the area we are working on is not encoded. We do not have the 'book' which the original code developers would have made up to guide the programmers... we have to determine on the basis of testing what a particular parameter controls, and how much of an effect changing the values will have. Nothing is known till we go through the process of testing... all which takes a lot of time. To add the complexity, almost any given parameter in a particular area of the game code has an effect on the other parameters in that section. So when you make a change, you have to be aware you may be affecting more than just your intended target.

People may ask, "Well, it only took TF about a year to get the game to the point where it is now with TF 4.312... why is TF 5.0 taking so long?"

The answer is simple... we were not introducing new elements into the game with the previous development up to TF 4.312... we were essentially just tweaking the existing game... re-using models, modifying sound, modifying the performance of elements which already existed.

Think of the development which took the original "IL-2 STURMOVIK" to the next gen, "IL-2 STURMOVIK FORGOTTEN BATTLES".

That is what we are basically attempting when we move from 4.312 to 5.0.

There will actually be more new flyables in TF 5.0 than there were in the original CLIFFS OF DOVER. There will be many more ships, and a whole new selection of vehicles.

Most important, there will be a new map.

In the process of developing the methods and means to create a new map, the original flaws of CoD have been revealed in all their horrible splendor. You thought there were a lot of bugs elsewhere in the original game? We won't even try to summarize those in the maps... it would just make your head hurt.

The number of times our map coder has been merrily going along building the new map, almost complete... just to have a particularly nasty bug jump out and bite him... you don't want to know. I am sure he could write several articles about how the water systems were mis-handled.

So anyway, it probably reads like I'm making up a list of excuses... but I'm not. I'm just explaining the facts.

So in the interests of clarity and honesty, here is the reality.

The good news?

We ARE making progress.

The bad news?

It's going to take a lot more time till we are ready to go gold.

I have heard people talk about TF 5.0 for Christmas 2015... sorry, I wish I could be that optimistic, but the facts are, it's not going to happen.

TF 5.0 is not going to be ready till 2016, that will be quite a bit later in 2016. Maybe much much later.

We're hoping everyone will be patient, everything which can be done to speed up the process is being applied, we are just faced with a HUGE amount of work.

This is not an official announcement of when the game might be ready... the actual 'Going Gold' will happen with the usual updates posted with Mysticpuma. It is just a caution to all that TF is still a long way from our goals.

Thanks to all for your support.
#1 It takes essentially the same amount of time to do a encoded compile of a small update as it does a large one. So a multiplicity of small updates would multiply the work required considerably.

#2 The work on the new aircraft requires work on the 3D models, and the files which govern and control them. To release each aircraft independently means going back over the files again each time. Once again multiplying the work.

#3 We want to release a complete Theater. That means the planes, the vehicles, the ships, etc. etc. It doesn't make sense to release only the 109F's, without the corresponding Spitfires and Hurricanes. Or only the Axis tanks, and no Allied tanks. And so on.

#4 If we release a whole series of small updates, it is going to make the installation much more difficult for the players. Instead of one install, there will be many. An auto updater does not solve the problem of the multiple small updates... the compile work, the other extra work is still required.
Believe it or not.
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Re: MOD's - Team Fusion

Post by 28_Condor »


E não poderiam lançar algo parcial, tipo o Wellington? :(

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Re: MOD's - Team Fusion

Post by 21_Sokol1 »

Não, esta explicado no segundo quote, dá o mesmo trabalho lançar 1/4, 1/2 MOD do que um inteiro. :P

Sugeriram que quem esta só a fim de novidade vá jogar o WT, lá tem avião novo todo mês. :)
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Post by 21_Sokol1 »

Mais um update "enrrolação"... Vai mal, estão tentando imitar o WT/BoS em matéria de fogo, cada vez mais "Hollywood".
O CLoD original tinha um fogo bem "realista", esse ai "amplificado" esta bem ruim (IMO) ... Parece saído do Red Tails:

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Já fizem isso (amplificar) com o hit dos tiros e o resultado ficou ruím, tem hora que parece uma "margarida". :P[/video]

De "diferente" me pareceu a retícula da mira (melhor), o terreno mais definido - e parece que o efeito "Amazonas" nos rios fora da "bolha de visibilidade" diminuiu.. Aos ~0:43 parece que a Ai pegou uma turbulência???
Da impressão que o "verniz" na camuflagem, na visão externa, diminuiu, não sei... ... post201553

Beaufighter cockpit:

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Re: MOD's - Team Fusion

Post by 28_Condor »


Nos bombers é até desculpável, se fizerem nos caças vou chorar...

Achei exagerados esses reflexos solares....

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Re: MOD's - Team Fusion

Post by 21_Sokol1 »

O problema é que fica esse fogão com chamas desproporcionais - até parecem 2D - e com avião queimando "1/2" hora.
No original o fogo era grande mais fluido, maior atras do avião como se espera devido a ação do vento e a fumaça também era fluida.

Depois o Luthier mecheu para "ganhar uns FPS" e começou a bagunça... |(
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Re: MOD's - Team Fusion

Post by 28_Condor »


Esses efeitos estava bons... esses debris eu nunca vi no CloD, foram desativados?

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Re: MOD's - Team Fusion

Post by 28_Condor »


Esse é um exemplo de reflexo.


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Re: MOD's - Team Fusion

Post by 21_Sokol1 »

Sim, um monte de efeitos foram desativados após o release, no "samba de criolo doido do Luthier" - e o TF
viu que ativar não causa impacto no FPS - o coitado nem sabia o que estava fazendo...

Esse reflexo no cockpit tinha no release original, na track Black Death dava para ver, e eram similares ao da foto acima.

O que o TF vem fazendo é aumentar o tamanho do efeito - inicialmente era para ajudar com os aviões que desapareciam aos ~2 Km (A la DCS/BoS) e acabaram melhorando de outra forma -
mas com esse aumento acaba ficando um treco exagerado, pixelizado... parecendo CGI. :(

Outro efeito que sumiu fora estes "spliters" do FLAK:

Meio esquisito estas linhas retas em camera lenta...

O Buzzsaw disse que tem uma lista de efeitos nos arquivos internos do jogo e da para ver os que estão ativados ou não.
Mas disse que tem efetios que sequer foram listados, ai só na sorte para encontrar e ativar.
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Re: MOD's - Team Fusion

Post by 21_Sokol1 »

Confirmaram que conseguiram "skrink" os rios. :)
Kling has been working out the voodoo code contained in the shaders and found the one for atmospheric haze. Tweaking some of the settings (well, brutally assisinating them!) we now have an authentic effect that changes with altitude. As Kling is an airline pilot this has been a personal vendetta by him and he at last has succeeded. In the process the fat river effect has also been found and fixed.
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Re: MOD's - Team Fusion

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Re: MOD's - Team Fusion

Post by 40_Griffon »

Small update no "feice"

Office do Wellington

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